SkellyBot 1.0 Help

User Interface

The stuff we want to let the User control about the ChatBot

LLM Config

  • [ ] ModelName (default = "gpt4-1106-preview" for now, "gpt4-turbo" when it becomes available)

  • [ ] Temperature (default = 0.7 I think)

  • [ ] **OtherModelParameters

Conversation Memory

  • [ ] Type, window, etc

Vectorstore config

  • [ ] Which Vectorstore contexts to make available:

    • [ ] FileSystem interface kinda thing)

    • [ ] Individual Documents (think like textbooks, websites, etc)

  • [ ] Retrieval

    • [ ] By Tag (human applied)

    • [ ] By Topic (AI extracted)

    • [ ] By Summary (AI generated)

Last modified: 22 February 2024