SkellyBot 1.0 Help

SkellyBot Server Setup Guide

(Note: SkellyBot is in closed alpha right now, meaning invites are being manually provided to folks by the devs. If you are interested in participating, send us a message at

Quick Start Instructions

Step by Step

  1. Click on the provided Discord template server link. 1Set up your server however you like.

  2. Click on the provided SkellyBot invite link.

    1. Invite Skelly to your server

Basic Usage

  • Use /chat in any channel to start a conversation with SkellyBot.

  • Send a voice memo to an active chat for automatic transcription.

  • Right click any Message and select Apps >> Open 'chat' Thread to start a chat using that message as starting point


  • Botto can't handle text attachments to message yet

  • There's a bug that makes things break if the Initial Message of a chat is longer than the max discord message length (2000 characters), so keep the starting message short (or empty) for now. This'll be fixed soon.

Setting up your Server

Hierarchical Context Instructions

When you make a new thread, the bot will create its System Prompt based on Context Instructions pulled from the following places (in order):

  • Server-wide Instructions-Messages tagged with the 🤖 emoji in the bot-instructions* channel at the 'top level' of the server (i.e. outside of any category - NOTE: You should definitely add something like "keep your answers short unless you have a reason to say more" or something to this channel

  • Category-wide Instructions - ditto for a bot-instructions* channel in the same Category as the channel where the /chat was sent

  • The Description/Topic of the channel where the /chat was sent

  • Any messages tagged with the 🤖 emoji in the channel where the /chat was sent

That means that every time you make a new chat, the bot has hierarchically defined context instructions configured at different levels:

  • Server (🤖-tagged-messages)

  • Category (🤖-tagged-messages)

  • Channel (topic)

  • Channel (🤖-tagged-messages)

The server templates comes pre-configured with a server-level bot-instructions channel and another category-level bot- instructions channel. You can replicate this structure in other categories.

Try making one category for each Project or Area of Interest, and different channels for different aspects/sub-projects of that category.

Last modified: 22 February 2024