SkellyBot 1.0 Help

Setting Up Your SkellyBot Server 🤖🌱

📂📄 - Server Structure: Folders and Documents

Think of the server as hierarchically organized text, the same way a folder tree is where you store document files on a standard computer.

📂 The "folders"


  • /category

    • /channel

      • You can start a chat] in a channel by typing /chat in the message box and hitting enter.

        • This will open a thread in the channel.

        • This is where you can talk back-and-forth with SkellyBot, who will respond to every message in the new thread with an AI-generated response.

📄 The "documents": Think of each message in a Discord chat as a markdown Documents

The contents of these "folders" are the messages. Yes, when we're just chatting we keep these short, but ultimately they are documents. They render all sorts of markdown



  • and

    • bullet points.

and code blocks

Check out

This is why we're not really using external tools-- everything you write in markdown can be translated to google docs, or word, or latex, or html, or whatever you want. Just write it here.

Categories are Your Workspace

  • 🔐 - you are the admin in your specific category

    • 🔓 - you have full permissions there, for example:

      • #️⃣ - you can create new channels,

      • 🤖 - add new bot instructions messages

      • 📝 - edit channel topics

    • 🔏- others only have read permissions by default

      • 🔒 - but private channels can still be created as desired

Last modified: 22 February 2024