SkellyBot 1.0 Help

Dev Onboarding


Goal here is to get you onboard with the workflow of this project.

1. set up cli package manager

  • install chocolatey, our general cli package manager

  • instructions:

  • can quickly check if it works-Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

  • make sure to choco upgrade chocolatey

2. get connected to the gcloud instance (freemocap org only)

  • ensure you have access to the skellybot project through your google cloud dev account (consult freemocap org)

  • install gcloud from the terminal


  • initialize it:

    • gcloud init - initializes the google cloud environment in your terminal

    • gcloud auth login - gets your google cloud command line authentication going

    • gcloud auth application-default login - sets up local dev authentication similar to the live version

    • each of these pops the browser open

3. install JetBrainsToolbox

  • choco install jetbrainstoolbox

    • fallback:

  • install WebStorm

  • install Writerside

5. setup Webstorm

  • ctrl+shift+S to open Settings

  • go to Plugins

    • GoogleCloudCode

    • Writerside

    • GitToolBox

    • optional:

      • Continue (ai assistant)

      • NestJS architecture view

6. clone the repo

  • first, git prepared (ho ho hooo):

    • main project repo:

    • you need either:

      • github credentials on the project (private/public keys, etc)

      • fork and work with your own version of the repo

        • make sure to switch to a new dev branch / make an upstream branch, etc


  • git clone [url]

    • or through whatever UI

7. install the project's dependencies

  • simple, just run npm install from the root

Last modified: 22 February 2024