SkellyBot 1.0 Help

Skellybot Interactions

🔮🤖 - AI Bot Interactions

Ways you can interact with the bot within discord.

  • 🔮 - /chat spawns a new chat thread, with a text: parameter you can put something in to get started.

    • 🗨️ - sending a message will trigger the bot to process its context window and produce a response which it will gradually stream by updating its response message.

    • 🗒️ - a note for long AI messages: if it runs over the message length, it will chop it off and start a fresh message, but also attach the complete message response as a text file, which you can either download or just click to expand it and read the raw text.

    • 🚫 - a ~ at the start of your message in an AI chat thread means the bot won't notice a message, so you can make a quick note, or @ tag me to come have a look at something specific, whatever you like.

  • 📎 - attachment types supported:

    • 🎙️ - voice messages will first be transcribed into text, and then sent off to the LLM, enabling a much more naturalistic way of speaking your thoughts.

      • On mobile you can do this natively, on desktop you need to attach a file you recorded separately (most OSs have an app for this natively)

    • 📃 - text files will be added to the context window along with your message.

  • ⚙️ - adjust the prompt settings for your AI conversations:

    • 🤖 - use the robot react emoji to toggle whether messages you've placed in the #bot-instructions channel are sent along with your messages to the bot.

    • 📝 - edit channel topics to give a channel-specific behaviors.

Last modified: 22 February 2024