Knowledge Base 1.0 Help

Oculomotor Control

Eyeball Kinematics:

  • Eye Movements

    • Saccade

      • Frequency

        • Number of saccades above threshold magnititude per second

      • Amplitude

        • Statistics of saccade amplitudes

      • Direction

        • Statistics of saccade directions, relative to:

          • previous fixation

          • eye-in-head coordinates

        • Probably:

          • During locomotion:

            • Saccade up, track down

          • During Search:

            • Saccade laterally, track medially

          • During Pursuit of Target Mouse

            • Saccade towards target's expected location/emergence point

    • Fixational accuracy

      • Gaze-in-world dispersion during fixation/tracking

    • Vergence

      • Should verge appropriately when saccading/tracking farther or closer

    • Torsion

      • Whats up with torsion? What's that guys deal?

Last modified: 12 September 2024